Fake vs. Real race fans

FAKE RACE FAN                                                                                               REAL RACE FAN

Arrives at track in a Volvo station wagon.                                                     Arrives at track in a converted school bus.

Identifies his car with tennis ball stuck on the antenna.                             Identifies his truck with an 8 x 12 Confederate Battle Flag.  

Brings belongings in L.L. Bean tote bag.                                                       Brings belongings in Jack Daniel's case.

Wears weejuns, chinos, and new Summer Lights visor.                              Wears shower thongs, cut offs, and lucky Wynn's Friction-Proofing                                                                                                                                  hat from '68 race.  

Complains about having to wait in line at porta-john.                                Brings his own.

 Looks at the sky, and sees Carolina blue.                                                      Looks at the sky and sees Petty blue.

Assumes that the chain link fence around infield is to                                Assumes chain link fence around infield is to protect the
protect fans from the cars.                                                                                 cars from the fans.                                                                                                                

 Lunches on cream cheese and olive sandwiches.                                         Lunches on 48 piece bucket of Colonel Sanders.

 Brings handi-wipes for cleanup.                                                                     Thinks that's why tee shirts have sleeves.

 Stops drinking while he is still in control.                                                     Stops drinking while he throws up.

 Listens to Chopin on Walkman.                                                                      Listens to Hank Williams, Jr. on jambox.

 Envies fans watching race from condominiums.                                          Feels sorry for those watching the race in condominiums.

 Gets into an argument with passerby about Bill and Hillary Clinton.     Gets into an argument with fans about Darrell Waltrip.

 Says Indy 500 is a sporting classic.                                                                 Says Indy 500 is kinda like a road race.

 Says most admired woman in racing is Shawna Robinson .                      Says most admired woman in racing is Miss Winston.

 Says  Richard Petty was unethical when he used an oversized engine.  Says Richard Petty just got caught.

 Has nightmares about nuclear war.                                                               Has nightmares about running out of beer.

 Learns who won the race Monday morning at work.                                 Watches end of the race with binoculars.