The Speedway's Pit
Side offers many drivers services:
- race tires for sale
- tire mounting for a nominal fee
- free air for air tanks
- race gas for sale (if available)
- and even "John the Welder",
who has had his own portable welding business for 40 years.
He not only welds, but offers other valuable necessities for sale.
Click on the link for more info!
Pit Side Grandstands
Pit Tower
Scoreboard showing the top 5 drivers
in the race, also displays qualifying times and lap
Speedway Cafe 2 and Clubhouse
The Speedway Cafe 2 offers a wide variety
of food and beverage selections, featuring burgers cooked over an open flame!
The clubhouse is available for VIP's
and special occasions.
Contact the track for more info (440) 986-RACE